Woman Launches Appeal for Help After Her Kitten is Stolen … by Another Cat!

ENGLAND – Han Kelly’s black and white kitten Belle was “taken” on Saturday night by another cat after it snuck in through the cat flap.

A young woman whose nine-week-old kitten was stolen by has officially launched a desperate appeal for help to find it.

The 18-year-old says it grabbed poor Belle in its mouth and then simply ran off with it!

Nine-week-old Belle was stolen by another cat who went into the house

Nine-week-old Belle was stolen by another cat who went into the house

According to Han, the cat which belongs to a neighbor, then sat in the garden with Belle but ran off once again once Han’s mom tried to approach it.

The cat, known as Loki, is described as being a mainly black cat with white paws. It has some white between its eyes and around its nose and mouth.

Han says she has spoken with the owners who have have since been helping her search for Belle.

Owner Han Kelly says she has been left heartbroken by what has happened

Owner Han Kelly says she has been left heartbroken by what has happened

She went on to explain that Loki and her other cat Poppy, who is five, have been known to fight, and she wonders if it took Belle as a way of “getting back” at Poppy.

“I have no idea why another cat would do it, everyone we have told has said its not normal. Personally I think it’s maybe to get back at my other cat but others said it could be a mothering figure thing although the cat is male.”

Han says she has only had Belle for just three weeks.

She says she has been left heartbroken by what has happened and is very desperate to be reunited with the kitten.

She posted an appeal on Prestwich People’s Facebook page stating: “A cat came in last night and took my kitten. She’s only a baby she’s 9 weeks.

“I’m heartbroken we can’t find her anywhere. If anyone knows where she is or has seen her please let me know.”
