Cat Abandoned at Vet’s With Note By Upset Neighbor!

IDAHO – When Annie Moore arrived at work Wednesday at the Kuna Pet Care Clinic she didn’t realize what she would find when she got there.

“I pulled up to the clinic at about 7:45 this morning and this lovely contraption was sitting on our doorstep,” stated Moore.

The box was actually empty, but attached to the box was a note asking for the Vet to re-home a cat, but the person who dropped off the cat didn’t actually own it. The note stated it was their neighbors.

“They were looking to re-home the cat so their husband didn’t poison it, because it kept defecating in their child’s sandbox,” stated Moore.

The person responsible for the alleged ‘catnapping’ explained in the note that they believed the cat’s name was Luna, but Luna had somehow managed to get out of the box and was nowhere to be found.

“The first thing I did was try to look around the property to see if the cat was scared and hiding in a bush,” Moore went on to explain.

According to the Idaho Humane Society it is actually perfectly legal to have a free roaming cat, but it’s also legal to trap a cat if it comes on your property as long as you bring it to an animal shelter.

Allison Maier with the Humane Society said that should really be the very last option.

“We would really urge people to talk to their neighbors instead of going to that extreme. If there is a cat that is in your yard a lot and it’s disturbing your property, we would really encourage those conversations among neighbors,” stated Maier.

Annie and the rest of the clinic are now left to search for the mystery cat, hoping she will turn up so they can return her to her rightful owner.

“This could be the death of this cat potentially. We are right on the main road here in Kuna, so if she goes out, gets lost, doesn’t know where she is at, she could potentially be dead at this point. That’s some families child,” stated Maier.
