12 Hilarious Images Proving That Cats Just Don’t Care Facebook Prev Article Next Article Here are 12 hilarious pictures that totally back up the title of this article! Cats simply just - do not care! 1. Oh, you were working here? 2. The lazy one! 3. “I am indifferent to your suffering, human”! 4. “If the baby gets to sleep, then so do I”! 5. Truly doesn’t give a rat’s butt! 6. “If I fits, I shall sits”! 7. “So, you think you’re going to work? We’ll just see about that, human”! 8. The unresponsive one! 9. Cold as a cucumber - or is that cool as a cucumber?! 10. “It’s not our fault we have strange humans”! 11. The nonchalant one! 12. And last but certainly not least … via welovecatsandkittens.com Facebook Prev Article Next Article Related Posts Precious Moment Between Fluffy Kitten and Her Human Cat Dad! Photos of a Cat Wearing Sparkly Hat and Eating Birthday Cake Will Make Your Day Brighter! When This Kitten Was Born He Was Gray, But When He Grew Up … Pregnant stray cat goes to the same house every day to get someone to take her future kittens in A Hot Firefighter, Uniform Partially Unzipped, Rescued Kittens From a Burning Building Story of a Kitten Whose Eyes Were Glued Shut, Wandering in the Middle of a Busy Street UPDATE - Kitten Who Was Abused by Boy in Abilene Texas is Returned to Her Owner! Man Opens His Shop For Stray Cats So That They Can Be Safe During Snowstorm! This Crippled Cat Dragged Himself Into The Drive-thru Of A …