Soup … For Cats!

So, what’s the latest recipe for our furries? SOUP!

(Picture: Metro)

(Picture: Metro)

This despite our furry friends not having opposable thumbs (yet) meaning they may struggle a bit with the spoon.

Purina Gourmet, the self-proclaimed ‘pinnacle of feline dining,’ says it’s made the first soup for cats.

Although it should be pointed out other brands are available, albeit going by the names ‘broth’ and ‘liquid cat food’.

Anyway, this fancy soup has been, and is quoted ‘designed as an appetizer’ for cats ‘with sophisticated palates’.

(Picture: Purina)

(Picture: Purina)

The said soup also apparently ‘offers a brand new feeding occasion and promises to satisfy the most discerning cats.’

Purina Gourmet comes in four familiar flavors – chicken with fine vegetables, tuna loins with delicious anchovies, tuna loins with whole shrimps, and finely sliced chicken.

These soups are available in most supermarkets!

“Mew-ben” sandwich and salad sold separately!
