An 18-year-old man in Israel by the name of Hamdan was returning home from work when he found these three kittens on the side of the road. Aren’t they just adorable! Hold on, hold on .. and look just a […]
Here is a classic story about another protective furry feline. This video does go back a few years but it’s always worth a fresh look. In this video, 97-year-old Sophie Thomas was tending to her garden when she was approached […]
Here is a classic video showing exactly how loyal and protective a family cat can be. Most people might think of dogs as the best protectors. Whoever sees and believes that simply needs to just watch this video clip! Especially […]
The cat lady lifestyle isn’t just for little old ladies anymore. Much like knitting and the art of a blue rinse, being a cat lady is just so trendy right now. How many Instagram accounts have you seen dedicated to […]
This is the beautiful story of Eddie, a 3-year-old Maine Coon and his little human sister, Josilyn! They have been inseparable since the day they came into each other’s lives! “I came out to the entryway of our house to […]
It can sometimes take just a bit of TLC to turn the life of a cat around but then there are other times … it also takes “time.” This is the inspirational story of a White Persian Cat Named, Cotton […]