Officer TJ Markowsky of the La Vista Police Department helps a cat cross a bulletproof shield “bridge” while another officer uses the red laser sight from a Taser to guide the feline. Photo by @ofctmarkowsky/Twitter
LA VISTA, NEBRASKA — Police in Nebraska shared photos of a few officers using a bulletproof shield and a cat’s love of the red dot to lure the feline down from a tree.
Officer TJ Markowsky of the La Vista Police Department said in a Twitter post that he and Officer Harold Rappold came to the rescue of a cat who managed to get himself trapped up in a Central Park tree by another officer about 11:30 p.m. Wednesday.
A photo shows Markowsky holding the bulletproof shield against the street while Rappold used the red laser light from a police-issue Taser to entice the cat to cross the “bridge.”
“Cat is in custody. Humane Society on the way. Charges pending for scratching me,” Markowski tweeted.
He said the rescue had another unintended consequence.
“Ofc. Rappold uses Taser red dot to coax cat onto our “bridge”. by policy has to do paperwork now,” Markowski wrote.
Ofc. Walter found a cat stuck in a tree in Central Park. @lavistapolice pic.twitter.com/I6plbGRU3i
— Ofc TJ Markowsky (@OfcTMarkowsky) March 17, 2024
I used a Bulletproof bunker as a bridge for the cat. Cat was 20 feet up from the creek. @lavistapolice pic.twitter.com/rgJLiLCUzK
— Ofc TJ Markowsky (@OfcTMarkowsky) March 17, 2024
Cat is in custody. Humane Society on the way. Charges pending for scratching me. @lavistapolice pic.twitter.com/SvKhkVmlcc
— Ofc TJ Markowsky (@OfcTMarkowsky) March 17, 2024
Ofc. Rappold uses Taser red dot to coax cat onto our "bridge". By policy has to do paperwork now. @lavistapolice pic.twitter.com/uC2GXXOsPz
— Ofc TJ Markowsky (@OfcTMarkowsky) March 17, 2024
Cat is on the way to Humane Society. Hopefully an owner comes to claim them. @lavistapolice pic.twitter.com/5LKi4BimNY
— Ofc TJ Markowsky (@OfcTMarkowsky) March 17, 2024