They Abandoned Their Two Cats In Front Of Security Cameras And The Images Go Viral

Back on Friday, June 2, 2017, video-surveillance cameras located on a street in Manhattan, New York, captured heart-breaking images of heartbreaking abandonment.

Early that morning, a man and woman approached the shelter Animal Haven, which was still closed, to leave a cat carrier in front of the door.

About an hour later, when the volunteers arrived, they discovered two animals, lost and terrified, incapable of understanding just what happened to them.

The shelter commented on their Facebook: “They appear to be Russian Blue mixes”.

Tiffany Lacey, who is the shelter’s director, continued telling The Dodo:

“Clearly, we were not open and they knew what they were doing”.

While the volunteers can try to find a way to understand the situations which could push a person to abandon their animals, leaving them right in the middle of the street is extremely dangerous – and shows an tremendous lack of courage.

The shelter went on to say on their Facebook page: “Someone may take the animal to be used as bait for dog-fighting. There is also the risk of them being tortured for ‘fun’ by some terrible people. If you love your animal at ALL, abandoning them outside any facility without knowing they will be taken in and cared for by the right people is just cruel”.

Thankfully, the two poor cats were found in time.

Watch the disturbing video below:
