Cat Who Was Born With Broken Front Legs, Finally Gets a Chance To Walk For the First Time!

CANADA – Phoebie is a tiny kitten who was born with broken front legs. However, after one month she got a chance to walk for the first time.

This kitty arrived at Chatons Orphelins Montréal having broken front legs looking for a chance at a better life.

“She was born with a deformation which caused her two front legs to bend at a 90-degree angle.” Celine Crom explained.

Here is Phoebie just one week after she arrived at dChatons Orphelins Montréal.

They took her to the vet and he decided to fix her legs so she can be a normal kitten. Phoebie very much enjoys her human companions.

“At the beginning, she struggled to walk, but after 24 hours, she was able to slide herself on the ground to walk”, Celine stated.

She has made an incredible amount of progress in a short period of time.

“She began to play and then to run and jump so quickly. She was so strong and tolerated the splints so well.”

After the surgery and treatment, she needed to learn to walk on her four paws.

“She had to develop her front leg muscles and to get used to walking and playing without the supports. Her stride was smooth but it took her a few more days to become comfortable walking. She played and jumped as if her condition never happened.”

Also, she has six toes on each of her paws.

“It is as if nature compensated and gave her bear paws. Phoebie is a kitten with a beautiful diva attitude. She likes to express herself and is not shy when she wants attention! She likes the company of other animals. She’s sweet and sociable.”

Now she’s almost 4 months old and can do anything she wants.

“Her paws are well recovered and she walks, runs, and gallops. Phoebie is a force of nature.”

“Phoebie is now ready for the rest of her life.”

We here at The Best Cat Page wish Pheobie the very best!

cute kittens