This Cat Was Drowning in a River Until an Unlikely Rescuer Showed Up!

When it comes to lending a hand to a furry friend in need, there are no lengths that any true animal lover won’t go to.

How often have we seen people step in to rescue pigs trapped in the bottom of wells, rescue kittens stuck in the vents, and a whole bunch of other impressive displays?

However, what we might not recognize on a daily basis is the fact that this is showing of compassion is hardly isolated to people.

Just catch a look at the dog and cat in this video!

The kitty appears to have been struggling in the water for awhile, but in no time at all, the pup swoops in and tows the feline all the way to shore!

This is certainly an admirable act from this brave dog and we certainly hope that the cat said a huge thank you for all of the pup’s the kindness.

We’re sure we can all stand to learn a little something from these two! Remember, compassion is contagious, pass it along!
