Cat Found Had to Have Leg Amputated Due to Horrific Injuries!

UNITED KINGDOM – This cat has had to have on of her legs amputated after getting caught in what is believed to be a snare.

The grey and white cat – who has recently been named Melys – is now recovering after she was found with horrific injuries at Llanddoged Road, Llanrwst , back on Sunday, July 17.

When Melys was first discovered, most of her leg was missing and she was bleeding heavily.

Melys had her leg amputated following a severe injury

Melys had her leg amputated following a severe injury


Due to the severity of her injury, Melys was taken to a vet by an RSPCA animal collection officer and needed to have the remainder of her leg amputated.

“The caller kindly took the cat to safety while I arrived and then I immediately took her to an independent vet,” stated RSPCA animal collection officer Malwina Gasiorek.

“The vet thought that due to her injury that it was most likely her leg had been trapped in a snare. The poor thing she must have been in so much pain.”

Unfortunately, as Melys wasn’t microchipped, the RSPCA have not been able to identify her owner and are desperate to trace him/her.

Her plight has prompted the charity to remind people of the importance of getting their pets microchipped – to give their lost or injured pets the best chance of returning home.

Melys after the surgery

Melys after the surgery


Ms Gasiorek went on to add: “The vets did a fantastic job and we’ve named the cat Melys which means sweet in Welsh because she is a lovely and very affectionate cat. She is now coping well without her leg and is recovering from her awful ordeal.

“RSPCA Aberconwy Branch kindly agreed to help pay for the amputation of the remaining part of the leg and RSPCA West Gwynedd Branch, RSPCA Clwyd and Colwyn Branch and RSPCA Wrexham District & Deeside Branch also contributed, which we are extremely grateful for.”

A snare is a wire noose which is attached to some sort of a stake or heavy object that acts as an anchor. They are usually set to catch a fox or rabbit, but its victim is quite often a badger, cat or dog.

The RSPCA is opposed to the manufacture, sale and use of all snares and any other traps which cause suffering.

Anyone found guilty of illegally setting a snare faces a maximum $6,600 fine and/or six months in prison.

Anyone who may have information about Melys’ owner or this incident should contact the RSPCA inspectorate appeal line on 0300 123 8018.
