This Cat Has a Heart Print on Her Chest and It’s the Sweetest Thing Ever

(Picture: Instagram/izzyandthefluff)

(Picture: Instagram/izzyandthefluff)

What could be cuter than a little black and white cat?

One of the cutest little black and white cat we’ve ever seen has to be Zoë, the cat with a heart on her chest.

She’s basically the kitty version of a Care Bear, and it might just be too much cuteness for us to handle.

Zoë is a British shorthair cat who lives with her sister Izzy. She’s also known as “The Fluff”, for obvious reasons.

She’s had heart-printed fur since she was just a kitten.

And she hasn’t lost an ounce of her cuteness with age.

Zoë absolutely loves to snuggle up with her sister Izzy

And she is always up for offering a helping paw.

Aside from her unusual but gorgeous markings, Zoë is just like any other cat.

Sometimes, she’s a little bit goofy.

She even has her favorite lounging spots.

She’ll happily climb to great heights just to find the perfect place to relax.

And of course, she absolutely loves a good head-scratch.

Follow Izzy and Zoë’s adventures on their Instagram account:.