Why Your Cat Naps Everywhere but His Cat Bed, As Explained in the Brand New Simon’s Cat Video!

Cats certainly have more than their share of head-scratching quirks, from the odd things they decide to chew on to their obsession with boxes. Perhaps one of their most peculiar habits of all is where they park themselves for a nap.

All cat lovers know that it’s not surprising to find a feline snoozing in the middle row of a bookshelf, on top of a radiator, or even atop a random position on the floor. Some are also quite fond of laundry piles and window sills, often ignoring the comfy cat bed you bought them. So what’s the scoop? The YouTube series, Simon’s Cat Logic, may have gotten to the bottom of it

According to cat behavior expert Nicky Trevorrow, felines look for dark, warm hiding spots around the house, often high up, because that’s where they feel the very safest. What about when he’s sprawled out across the floor? “If you follow the line of the hot water pipes in your house, you may find that your cat is sleeping just above them, keeping nice and toasty,” states Nicky.

Cats also rotate their sleeping spots quite often, which is perfectly normal, Nicky says. The trait likely stems from an ancestor, the African wildcat. The wildcat, as Nicky goes onto explain, often changed their sleeping quarters to avoid parasites.

And so, there you have it! Consider your cat’s odd sleeping habits demystified. Watch the brand new Simon’s Cat video below to get answers to the rest of your feline questions.
