This Deaf And Blind Kitty Wouldn’t Let Anyone Approach Him Until …

Coconut was just one of the numerous stray cats wandering the rough streets of Boston.

Luckily, his fate took a very different turn when he crossed paths with Joni Nelson, who is the founder of the organization Boston’s Forgotten Felines, reported The Dodo.

The furry white feline was sadly suffering terribly from numerous issues. His ears, in particular, were in tough shape. Not to mention, the animal refused to let anyone approach, making his rescue even more difficult.

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

Joni was eventually able to gain the trust of the cat, before bringing him to the veterinary clinic of her organization, where a thorough exam revealed a number of problems such as a urinary infection, ear mites, limping, chronic diarrhea, and general dirtiness.

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

Source: Boston’s Forgotten Felines

However, for Joni, the biggest problem was his attitude:

“He was very difficult to feed … He would never look up but sure would lash out when I opened his cage”.

Joni slowly began to realize what might have been behind his bizarre behavior: the cat suffered from partial blindness. With time, Coconut seemed to used to her, but he was still extremely distrustful of strangers and hissed whenever anyone approached him.

Source: Danapel C. de Veer

In addition to the problems he had with his vision, he was also deaf. Joni confided:

“It took two very deep bites from him to realize he was deaf and could only see shadows. No wonder he was so nasty. He was frightened and no one knows the torture he went through living on the streets for so long in that condition … Many people told to me to put him to sleep that he was unadoptable. I couldn’t let him live his life in a cage and I couldn’t put him to sleep”.

Volunteers over at the association did everything they could to take care of Coconut, and soon the feline learned to trust them.

Source: Ashley Ward

He was soon placed in a foster family, and then in a second. Joni doesn’t hide the fact that she was very apprehensive at the time, admitting she was worried to see Coconut once again terrified of strangers. Thankfully, though, the cat quickly took to her new environment.

Ashley Ward, who is his second foster mom, explained:

“Coconut is really a sweetheart. Every time I walk into the room, he hobbles over to me to get pets … As soon I start petting him he is instantly purring … He will curl up right next to your side and snuggle his head under your arm so that you can pet him”.

Coconut’s transformation is touching and heartwarming, the cat who, just a few months earlier, was attempting to survive in the cold streets of Boston. The kitty has since found his forever family, thankfully!

Source: Ashley Ward

You can make a donation to support Boston’s Forgotten Felines be clicking right here!

And don’t miss this lovely video of Coconut:
