Debating Keeping Your Cat Indoors, Or Letting Them Outside Sometimes?

Most cats love the great outdoors. However, humane associations agree that an indoor life is far healthier for them — they’re safe from outdoor hazards, and their humans tend to pay closer attention to them and notice signs of health problems earlier. This results in a much longer life span.

An all-indoor kitty lives an average of 10 to 14 years, whereas a cat who’s allowed to roam freely outdoors is likely to survive just two to five years. Where you live may also be a factor.

Declawed kitties should be kept inside. (We will never recommend that you ever declaw a cat but sometimes people adopt cats that are already declawed.)

Declawed cats simply aren’t able to defend themselves from dogs, other cats, or predators, making the outdoors even riskier. However, if your kitty’s got his claws and you’re still on the fence about whether to let him outdoors, here’s what to consider.

Indoor Cats Won’t:

1.) Get struck by a car

2.) Get lost

3.) Be attacked by dogs, other cats, and predators

4.) Eat poison left out by malicious, cat-hating neighbors

5.) Pick up parasites like fleas and ticks

6.) Catch diseases which may spread by other cats and animals

7.) Get Stolen

8.) Eat foods they find that you yourself wouldn’t feed them

Cats Outside Enjoy:

1.) More exercise

2.) Stimulation from the outside world

3.) The pleasure of fresh air and sunshine

A cat lover’s best bet is to build or have built a large enclosure in your yard where your cat can enjoy being outside, watch birds and squirrels, and do some climbing, yet at the same time, be safe from all the risks of the outdoors.

You can also find ready-made enclosures at Kittywalk systems or Wild Whiskers.

You can also, in Google Images, search the word “catios” for some great, healthy, and inspiring ideas!

Furthermore, If you wish to let your cat enjoy the whole yard, you can install special fencing to keep him safely enclosed, such as the Purrfect Fence or Cat Fence-In.

If you allow your cat roam outside, microchip him for identification and outfit him with a reflective, breakaway collar and current identification tags.

Keeping Your Indoor Cat Entertained

To liven up an indoor cat’s general environment, give him access to at least two of these:

1.) A floor-to-ceiling cat post for all of his climbing pleasures

2.) At least one window-side perch which gives him a view of a bird feeder or perhaps other outdoor wildlife

3.) An aquarium which your cat can enjoy watching but not fall into
Interactive toys that require him to use his brain and his physical skills to acquire treats

4.) Daily playtime, petting, and also training

5.) A tall, heavy-duty scratching post which allows your kitty to stretch, sharpen his claws, and leave his signature scent from the glands in his paws

The bottom line is that indoor cats live longer, healthier lives than outdoor cats.

However, if you still want to let your kitty outside, we strongly suggest you seek safer ways to do it. And we feel that some of our suggested listed above might be just the answer!
