Ginger Cat Rescued From Death Row - Wait Until You See Him Now!

This is Claus!


Claus was a poor sick cat that had completely stopped eating and drinking. He had been brought to a shelter after his owner had to move away and could not bring him along.

He was living in a crowded shelter and had somehow contracted a severe respiratory infection while he was there.


In addition, he developed Calicivirus, which makes painful ulcers inside of his mouth.

The shelter reached out to find Claus an alternate place to go immediately, or he would have to be put down.


Pam Martin responded to the call. She had been fostering cats for the shelter for over six years and just knew she needed to do something to help.

And so, Pam immediately took Claus and had him hospitalized.


Claus stayed at an animal hospital for several days, where he received around the clock care and throughout the entire experience, Clause never once lost his sweet temperament.

Miraculously, little by little, Claus began to recover.


After four long months of intense care from Martin, Claus now looks amazing!


He is now ready to be adopted to a loving forever home!

If you are interested in adopting Claus, please email
