Hodor the Cat May Loses Most of His Fur to Ringworm, But Finds Something Even More Permanent!

ENGLAND – A cat who was left hairless after battling a skin disease has finally found a new home.

The grumpy-looking kitty, whose name is Hodor was abandoned after he was struck down with a severe case of ringworm.

Vets were left with no other option but to shave the Persian cat’s fur completely off, leaving Hodor looking like a ‘grumpy old man’.

After seeing an online appeal, Lucy Ware, who is 23 and from Redditch, Worcestershire, couldn’t resist Hodor’s gloomy face and went straight to adopt him up from the shelter.

Despite being terrified of humans, Lucy, who now lives in Malaga, is claiming he’s come on in leaps and bounds after finally being shown some love and affection.

Lucy, a trainee English teacher stated: ‘When I first saw a photo of Hodor online my heart melted.

‘He looked like a grumpy old man with big sad eyes, he didn’t have any fur either and I could tell he’d been through a lot.

‘I knew other people were less likely to take him in too because he looked so different, but that didn’t matter to me.

‘I soon found out that his old owners were breeders who just abandoned him when he diagnosed with a severe case of ringworm.

‘It makes me so sad to know a pet can be discarded because of something like that.

‘I got in touch with the shelter straight away and couldn’t wait to pick him up.

‘He was really skittish at first but now he loves people again and having fuss like other cats.

‘His hair is quickly growing back which is great, although it wouldn’t matter if he was completely bald, I’d still love him.’

After becoming infected with the skin infection, Hodor’s previous owners refused to pay for his treatments which he so desperately needed.

Lucy believes Hodor was never allowed outside either and was concerned after finding a very large scar on his tail.

Lucy went on to say: ‘I’m not sure how Hodor was treated before I had him, all I know was he had a scar on his tail and he was terrified of everyone and everything, especially men.

‘By the way, he acted as well I think he was permanently kept indoors, going outside was completely alien to him.

‘He still has patchy skin due to the ringworm but a lot of it has dried up in the space of a week or so, he’s much happier and much less itchy.

‘His fur is already growing back and he has another five weeks of treatment which is difficult but great for him.

‘If you’ve ever tried to give a cat oral medicine it’s like drawing blood from a stone, it’s almost impossible.

‘When he arrived I did some research and the majority of places said his hair would take around six months to grow back fully.

‘It’s been under a month and it’s already grown back an inch, at this rate he should be back to normal in about four months which is amazing.’

Lucy is a cat lover and does not believe in buying them, due to so many at shelters that need help.

She stated: ‘I personally don’t believe in the buying of animals, there are so many furry friends out there that need homes, even if they aren’t a perfect breed.

‘I’m a little bit of a crazy cat woman, I have a piece of artwork in my bedroom that says ‘A house without a cat is not a home’.

‘I try to dedicate my time to getting Hodor back on his feet again as having a poorly cat can be a lot of hassle.

‘He has some strange habits, his face is so flat that he doesn’t like putting his whole head in a bowl of cat biscuits so he’ll take a mouthful, spit them on the floor then eat them off the tiles.

‘I named him Hodor after the Game of Thrones character, he is so sweet and gentle natured, but he’s been through a lot too.

‘He’s so happy in his new home and his personality shows more and more each day.”

What a great story! We here at The Best Cat Page wish you the best, Hodor!
