Hoodie-wearing Kitty Receives Massage and Loves Every Second of It! – VIDEO!

The video has so far been watched 11,000 times, and appears to be circulated mostly by Italian Facebook users. (Facebook)

The video has so far been watched 11,000 times, and appears to be circulated mostly by Italian Facebook users. (Facebook)

After watching this video, you’ll certainly wish you were this cat.

The feline, wearing a cute little hoodie, is shown receiving a deep massage while lying down, with his head propped on a cat-sized pillow.

The video has so far been watched 11,000 times, and appears to be circulated mostly by Facebook users in Italy.

[fbvideo link=”https://www.facebook.com/214974861973313/videos/773089952828465/” width=”700″ height=”399″ onlyvideo=”1″]
