Julian Assange Gets A New Kitten From His Children to Help Battle Loneliness!

It appears Wikileaks founder Julian Assange may have been getting a bit lonely living in the Ecuadorian embassy in London for the past four years, but now he has something to keep him company: a new kitten.

The cat, which has not yet been named, was a gift from Assange’s children, ITV reports. But according to its new Twitter handle, it takes after its owner: the cat’s bio reads it is “interested in counterpurr-veillance.”

Assange has been living in the Ecuadorian embassy since being granted diplomatic asylum by the country back in 2012. Sweden has attempted to extradite him for questioning regarding a sexual assault investigation, which Assange believes could end up leading to his transfer to U.S. custody for his role in leaking classified documents on Wikileaks.

In February, a United Nations group found that Sweden and the U.K. are both violating Assange’s rights. Assange’s lawyers have applied to Sweden to uphold the UN’s findings.

At least for now, he has a feline friend to help him wait.
