How to Build a Cool DIY Cat Play House

Building a Cat Playhouse – Yay or Nay?

What’s a cat playhouse? Well, as the term suggests, it’s a playhouse for your cat. Think of it as a cat condo. Your pets deserve the best, right? Cats can be naughty and they require a lot of playtime (when they want to). Instead of spending hours with them when you have to work, why not build something that will keep them occupied?

A unique piece of cat furniture, the cat playhouse will give your kitty a lot of fun time. Don’t worry – it’s not rocket science to build it. We’ll show you how to make an indoor cat play house that will let your kitty play all day long and give you peace of mind.

How to Make a Cat Play House

Thinking the play house is hard to build? Think again – you only need a few cardboard pieces. That’s right – you don’t need a 3D printer or expensive equipment to build it. All you need are basic tools and a lot of love for your kitty.

There are plenty of cat play house plans you can find online. The whole process shouldn’t take more than an hour. To start with, you’ll need pieces of cardboard. After that, it’s all about measuring, cutting the right pieces, and gluing.

In most cases, you’ll need:

  • Cardboard
  • Scalpel or utility knife
  • Ruler and a pen
  • Cutting mat or a wooden board
  • Glue gun

That’s enough to get you started. You’ll then need to find ideal cat play house plans and pick the right one. What you pick depends on the size of your cat and your level of ‘expertise’. Don’t worry – even if you’ve never built anything, this one will be a breeze.

Why Build a Cat Condo?

Well, as mentioned, cats are pretty active. Yes, they can sleep all day long, but you also need to keep them active so their energy levels don’t fall too much. No matter how irritating they can get sometimes by asking to be pet, you don’t want a slouching cat.

A cat condo is the perfect choice. It’ll give your cat a time to chill and if you’re creative, a lot of physical activity. Openings at the right spots will make it a real cat heaven. As you know, cats love boxes, so they will undoubtedly love your indoor cat play house.

Don’t compare it to a cat tower. It’s unlike any piece of cat furniture you can buy. It’s a toy and a safe place for your kitty both you and the little rascal will fall in love with. You can finally get to do some work and your cat won’t need you to pet it all day long. It’s a win-win for both.

What Will it Cost?

Well, considering that you’re using cardboard pieces, an indoor cat play house will cost next to nothing. That is if you want to make it yourself. There are plenty of simple cat play house plans online and then there are complicated ones.

If you don’t know where to start, just Google “How to make a cat play house?”. We’re sure you’ll find yourself swamped in such plans in minutes.

If you’re not very crafty and you’d rather buy one, this 2-Story Cottage, Outdoor Cat House is available for just over $100. It’ll save you a lot of time and potential headaches if you don’t know how to make an indoor cat play house on your own. If you’re not into outdoor cat houses and you don’t want one inside as well, at least do your cat some decency and get a cat tower.

Cat Condo 1

Cat Condo 2

They’re quite cheap right now and will give your beloved cat some much-needed physical activity.

Why Go DIY Instead of Buying a Cat Condo?

Well, when you build something on your own, the satisfaction is just much bigger. With so many cat play house plans available online, it’ll be a shame to buy one. Don’t you have spare time on the weekends? Do you love your cat? Well, why not try it? The worst thing that can happen is that you’ll ruin a few pieces of cardboard.

You’ll have fun and the kitty will have fun too and a place to chill in its cool cat condo. How is that not a win-win for all?