If Only I Was There |Poem|

If only I was there
I would have eased your pain
I would have held you close
and given you a name.


If only I was there
you wouldn’t have had to roam.
You’d have been so safe and sound -
and you would have had a home.


If only I was there
I would have done what’s right
my love would have pierced through darkness
and filled your world with light.


If only I was there
I would have been a friend
I would have kept you warm
and your broken heart would mend.


If only I was close
I would changed your fate
filled in with love and care
each hole put there by hate.


If only I was there
but sadly, I was not.
Just know that someone cared …
that someone cares a lot.


If only I was there
I would have let you be
not left you there to suffer
but then again, that’s me.


If only I was there
you can believe it’s true
I’d be there at your side
and you’d still be here, too.


There is a special place
reserved for people who …
prey upon the weak
and harm angels like you.


Written by Daniel Torres