Jimothy the Cat Right at Home at Zonta House Women’s Refuge!

AUSTRALIA - Rescue cat Jimothy has recently found a new home filled with endless love and cuddles at a Bentley Women’s Refuge.

In a first for Cat Haven, the residents of Zonta House Women’s Refuge have decided to take in a homeless cat with a sad start in life, which in turn will help make their day a little brighter.

For more than 30 years, Zonta House has supported women who have experienced all kinds of family and domestic violence, mental health, homelessness and other life crises by providing refuge and transitional accommodation, holistic support services and education to women over the age of 18.

Zonta House chief executive Kelda Oppermann explained it was an innovative way to support women in crisis.

“Our hope is that the beautifully natured Jimothy can help ease tension and improve moods for women in crisis who have experienced significant trauma,” she stated.

“Jimothy has already settled into the refuge setting with little to no fuss and has already become a valued member of the house.”

It is the first time the Shenton Park cat shelter has re-homed a cat to a Women’s Refuge and they are hoping that they can provide many more to similar organisations. Under the Companion Cats Program, Cat Haven supplies an older cat with a suitable nature to the home and also provides all the food and vet care the cat needs for its lifetime.

Cat Haven takes in over 6500 homeless cats each and every year, but it also manages to assist the broader community by offering programs such as this to reduce loneliness and provide companionship.

The shelter often accepts cats in emergencies such as domestic violence and fire emergencies, and they can provide cat food in short term severe hardship cases.

They also offer discounted cat sterilization and microchipping services for people who hold a concession card.

Anyone who wishes to enquire about the Companion Cat Program can contact Chandra Woodley or Roz Robinson at Cat Haven on 9442 3600.
