Join Murder Mittens – the Group for Cat Claw Lovers 10+ Photos

Everyone has a favorite aspect of their cat. Some love their (crazy) personality, some love the tails, others love the whiskers. There’s a specific group of people, though, that are in love with cat claws.

We’re not judging – you can love whatever you want to. The idea of loving pics of cats that are in the process of ‘murdering’ you is a bit bizarre, but as we said, we’re not judging. Recently, the Internet discovered a strange subreddit called ‘Murder Mittens’ which houses pictures of cats that are about to ‘kill’ their owners with cuteness. Or claws, we’re not sure.

Below you can see the top 18 such picks which contain lil’ feline ‘murderers’ that are kind of adorable and scary at the same time. List through them all and comment with your fave. We’re gonna go with #5.

















