Lonely Street Cat Desperate For Love Walks Through Woman’s Car Window And …

TURKEY - Meet Leo, the street cat! It appears Leo knew exactly what he wanted, and wouldn’t let anything stop him from getting it.

Burcu, who is a woman who makes it her business to feed and care for abandoned animals until their forever homes can ultimately and finally be found, knew Leo very well.

She was used to feeding the lonely street cat pretty much every day.

Unfortunately, it isn’t easy for an animal who is alone with no guardian or companion, to find a home in Ankara, Turkey.

However, none of that was going to stop Leo.

In the video below, after feeding Leo, Burcu stayed in her car and recorded something amazing.

The cat climbed right onto the hood of her car before cautiously padding his way over to the rearview mirror of her driver’s side door.

She proceeded to record Leo as he went along, and before she knew it, he had crawled through the open window and landed on her lap!

Burcu went ahead and petted the resourceful cat, but he quickly climbed onto the passenger’s seat, looked up at her, and yawned.

Suddenly, it was time for a nap.

After he rested up a bit, she realized that, tucked comfortably behind the back seat, he just kept looking at her, and she knew then he was speaking to her without actually doing so.

“I am not leaving this car until you find me a home.”

Thankfully, Burcu certainly did choose his forever home! - right with Burcu!

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