Meet the Rescue Kitten No One Wants Because She Can’t Straighten Her Head!


KEIGHLEY, UNITED KINGDON – kitten who suffered brain damage at birth has been growing and thriving strong in the hands of a cat charity after her mother was rescued from the streets of Wakefield.

Peanut was merely days old when she and her two siblings along with mum Ebony were found living in a greenhouse in Normanton.

The cat family was immediately offered shelter by Yorkshire Cat Rescue where centre manager, Sam Davies, noticed that something wasn’t quite normal or right with baby Peanut.

She stated: “Peanut’s little head tends to twist to the right. Initially we hoped that we could straighten her out with a bespoke exercise regime but sadly, she is suffering from a neurological disorder called cerebellar hypoplasia.

“This is a condition we see about once a year. It is caused either during pregnancy or by difficulty during labour – something sadly vets cannot help with when kittens are born outside. The degree of neurological damage varies and we will see how much it affects Peanut as she grows up”

Right after being rescued, Peanut and her family settled in with her foster carer Sue Greenwood who’s been watching the tiny kitten grow stronger day by day.

She explains: “Although Peanut has a neurological problem, she’s keeping up with her siblings. She is feeding well and weighs the same as her two brothers. She’s started to explore her surroundings and although she’s a bit more wobbly than the others, she has the same energy and taste for adventure.

“Although her head generally tilts to the right, she can hold it straight when she stands up. It was tough to watch her struggle at first but Peanut is the furthest thing from unhappy. She doesn’t know any different and is always full of joy.”

Peanut, her brothers and mother will be available for adoption later on this summer. To view her family and other beautiful cats currently awaiting their forever homes at Yorkshire Cat Rescue, visit the FB Group.
