Missing Ginger Cat Found, But Just How He Was Found is Mind-Blowing!

Dookie the ginger cat, who was missing from his home in Corby for five weeks

Dookie the ginger cat, who was missing from his home in Corby for five weeks

UNITED KINGDOM - The mysterious reappearance of a missing ginger cat came soon after its Corby owners heard it purring when they answered a Facebook advertisement for firewood.

Eight-year-old Dookie went missing from his home in Studfall Avenue just about five weeks ago.

The gorgeous tom cat, who is well-known in the area for his long, vibrant, beautiful coat and friendly demeanor, does not normally go out in the rain.

So when it started to pour one day back in February, and Dookie didn’t come home, his owners Charleen and Kevin Cruickshank started to get worried.

Kevin said: “He’s never gone missing before. He won’t go out when it rains so we knew something was wrong.

“I went out looking in all the gardens and asking dog-walkers if they’d seen him.

“There was someone who said they’d spotted him in Occupation Road but when we went up there it was a different ginger cat.

“We went into Thoroughsale woods opposite the house looking for him. He used to sit at the end of the garden and was a bit of a celebrity.

“People even used to stop to have their picture taken with him so we thought someone might have just thought he was a lovely cat and taken him off with them.”

Five weeks passed, and with no sign of Dookie, his owners answered an advertisement on the Facebook page Corby is Ace .. a stranger who was giving away some spare firewood.

Kevin said: “We wanted it for our firepit. They were in Chelveston Drive, which is about 1.5 miles away from us.

“But it’s straight through the woods as the crow flies.

Is this the route that Dookie took on his mystery adventure?

Is this the route that Dookie took on his mystery adventure?

“We got around there and I heard a cat making a lot of noise. I said ‘That cat’s trying to tell us something’ and I looked up on top of the garage and there was Dookie.

“He must have heard our voices and was trying to get to us.

“It was such a bizarre coincidence but we’re very relieved to have him home.”

The homeowner said Dookie had been hanging around there for a couple of weeks. Apart from extremely dirty paws, and a small amount of weight-loss, he was just fine!

They have absolutely no idea how he came to be in Chelveston Drive. He is now back at home where he belongs and still charming the locals.
