Mouth-to-mouth Lands Massachusetts Cat on Its Feet!

Freddy Grant was just walking along Route 202 in Peterborough Wednesday, Sept. 14th, when he was hit by a car and severely injured.

Thanks to an experienced emergency responder being in the right place at the right time, Freddy was quickly rushed to the hospital and is in stable condition.

Freddy is actually Lillian Grant’s cat, a 3-year-old rescue and a favorite of her late husband Jim.

“He shouldn’t have been on Route 202; he never goes over there,” she stated. “Something must have chased him.”

Freddy, the Grant family cat, was hit by a car and revived with mouth-to-mouth.

Freddy, the Grant family cat, was hit by a car and revived with mouth-to-mouth.


The accident occurred at approximately 9:30 p.m. in front of the TD Bank just south of Route 101.

The person who was in the right place at the right time? Nathan Grant, Lillian’s son, who is also a firefighter.

“I saw the cat in the road and thought, ‘Oh my God, that’s my mom’s cat!’,” he stated.

He explained how he remembered from his emergency medical training that you can perform CPR on a baby with the nose and mouth at once and gave it a try on the cat.

“I could fit the cat’s whole mouth and nose in my mouth and performed rescue breathing for 45 minutes at the way to Westminster, Massachusetts,” he said.

The mouth-to-mouth is what saved Freddy’s vey life.

He went on to receive more treatment in the 24-hour emergency center at Wachusett Animal Hospital. He was also suffering from “bruises on his belly, a broken tail, and cuts – he must have been attacked – and cuts on his legs and neck,” stated Lillian.

He did end up needing some stitches but was expected to be home within a few days.

“He’s coming home,” stated Nathan.

He went on to say that he cannot believe someone would just hit a cat and not stop to check if it is all right or find the owner.

“My mom was devastated,” he remarked. “It’s like her boy.”

The Grants picked out Freddy at the Swanzey Humane Society back aroundtwo years ago.

“Jimmy loved him,” Lillian stated.

She acknowledges that traffic and predators are a huge part of the risk of letting a pet stay outside.

“Surely he won’t be an outdoor cat anymore,” she stated.

Way to go, Nathan!
