Meet Izzy!
There is a man who was a dog person his whole life until he met someone special who has changed his preference.
“After being a dog person my whole life, my SO has also turned me into a cat person. I adopted a Snowshoe about 6 months ago. Her name is Izzy,” said reddit user bigmaq246, as he told his story
The man was raised his whole life with golden retrievers. A cat is a far cry for a golden retriever.
“My girlfriend has a cat and at first I was cautious as I just wasn’t used to being around them and I started playing with her and watched her a couple times. Then one night she asked if I wanted one because a family friend of hers couldn’t keep Izzy (twinky at the time) anymore. I accepted and we’ve been inseparable since.”
“Izzy is pretty goofy too! She loves playing with twist ties. She’ll grab them and try to jump and then roll around with it. Also very affectionate and always wants on my lap.”
Sometimes all you need is to get to know a cat. They are just as loving and devoted and special as any dog!