Once Unwanted Ginger Cat Becomes Guardian to Boy, His Human for Life!

A ginger cat named Larry who was ‘unwanted’ by his precious owners, now has new humans and a new best human friend! When he met Abel, his little human, in his new home, he became his guardian and bestie for life.

“I had always wanted an orange cat so when a friend’s vet needed to get rid of 2 year old Larry for breaking into their food supply cabinet, I didn’t hesitate to adopt him,” Michelle, Abel’s mother, shared the story with Kitty Army. “He was every bit as wonderful as people had always told me orange cats were.”

“From the minute Abel came home Larry was in love. Abel’s first smiles and giggles were often due to Larry. At 9 months Abel’s very first word was ‘Yarry’. When Abel cries Larry runs over to comfort him. Abel makes sure Larry is with him when he moves from one room to another. Larry tolerates more than I’d ever imagined a cat could or would tolerate.

We’ve had lots of great cats but this cat is truly special!”

Forever means just that … forever!

Photo by Michelle @maluotto