One Photographer’s Mission to Break the Crazy Cat Lady Stereotype!

Is the whole “crazy cat lady” thing just one big massive negative stereotype that gets in the way of dating life?


Some people believe it is. In fact, a survey by dating website “Match” found more than 60% of female cat owners believe having a pet may very well ruin their chances in the world of dating.

But one Instagrammer wants to completely break the stereotype that all single women with feline pets are “crazy cat people” with a photoshoot.

A photo posted by Holly-Marie Cato (@h_cato) on

“It’s amazing to help dispel the stereotype that surrounds single women with cats,” says photographer Holly-Marie Cato, who teamed up with Match to challenge the so-called stigma by showing 20-something women and their pets in their home environments.

“The women that have allowed us to come into their home and document their relationship with their cats have been a mixture of fun, sophisticated, creative and cool, and all have a shared love for their four-legged furry friends.”

Here are the results:

Cecily with Richard Parker, aged 4



Gaya with Taku and Fiji, both aged 3



Hattie with Millie, aged 3, and Lilly, aged 2



Jessie with Roxy, aged 6



Lisa with Dexter, aged 1



Ruth with Titus, aged 9



Natalie with Sooty, aged 6



Serena with Daisy, aged 8

