Rescue Cat Never Been Held Now Wants To Be Held Constantly

This black and white rescue kitten who had never been held or petted before arrived at his foster home and now can’t stop cuddling his humans. He is the biggest cuddle bug they’ve ever had.

Calvin, a polydactyl cat was only 5 weeks old when they took him in. He was hissy, sick and very scared.

“I got him as a foster with his brothers. They were sick, semi feral, and too younger to be adopted,” enicknick wrote via reddit.

“They were so scared when we got them. They were taken from a hoarding house. I don’t think they had ever been held,” she added.

Little by little, things began to change for Calvin.

Slowly, the kittens started to open up to their foster family where they learned that their humans aren’t so bad. From the very first time Calvin was held, he was hooked and suddenly wanted all the love and affection he could get … and give.

They knew they weren’t going to be able to just give him up for adoption, so they decided to keep him and one of his brothers.

“There were three brothers that we fostered. My brother wanted to adopt one when they were ready and we kept the other two. We named ours Calvin and Hobbes.”

They decided not to part with kitties so they adopted Calvin and Hobbes

That’s the story of .. that’s the glory of love!
