Second Day of the Kristen Lindsey Hearing, RECAP!

On the second day of a hearing to determine whether she should lose her veterinary license, the Central Texas creep teared up as a former co-worker described how customers at a Brenham clinic still loved her.

Kristen Lindsey posted a controversial picture last year to Facebook in which she was holding an orange-and-white tomcat that she had shot in the head with an arrow.


At a hearing with the Texas Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners on Tuesday, Karen Chapman, who worked with Lindsey at the Washington Animal Clinic, said Lindsey had spoken to a doctor at the clinic about a feral cat that she was having trouble with, KAGS-TV reported.

The doctor told Lindsey to “take care of it,” said Chapman, who also added that people in the area often shoot feral cats because it’s difficult to trap and immunize them.

As Chapman described how customers of the veterinary clinic loved Lindsey, Lindsey began to tear up.

In other testimony Tuesday, a pair of veterinarians disagreed on how to deal with feral cats — and whether the cat in the controversial photo was a feral cat.

Bill Folger, who works at Memorial Cat Hospital in Houston, said that such cats should be trapped and that he felt “shocked, bewildered that a colleague could kill a cat like this.” He added that the cat may have still been alive when the photo in question was taken, based on the position of its legs.

Folger also testified that the cat appeared to be a well-fed and neutered male. He said he believes it was the same cat — Tiger — seen in pictures provided by Claire and William Johnson, who live near Lindsey.

But veterinarian Paul Smith, who testified by phone, said that the cat probably died instantaneously and that trapping feral cats is not a good idea anyway.

On Monday, Lindsey said that the cat she shot was flea-ridden and also had an odor. She admitted a photo into evidence Tuesday that she said showed the cat she shot was not the same cat as Tiger.

For now, Lindsey may still practice as a vet, but a veterinary board committee has recommended that her license be revoked.

Both sides will now submit closing statements in writing by early June, the VIN News Service reported. After that, the judges have a total of 60 days to issue their recommendation to the board.
