See it Here First! A Cat With 3 Tails! – VIDEO

RUSSIA – This bizarre footage appears to feature a cat that has three tails wandering around in a garden.

It was shot by a housewife who insists that she has seen the three-tailed moggy many times and it is not a joke.

Svetlana Birilyuk who is heard on video stating in Russian: “You don’t believe it? This cat has got three tails.”

She insists excitedly in the first of two separate videos: “Did you see it, he is swishing all his tails, really swishing?”

A former hairdresser, she stated: “Sensation… I have not seen anything like this.”

But some people have questioned if the footage is real due to the very poor quality of the images.

In the clip itself, the kitty appears to have one normal tail, then two more which hang either side of its body.

Svetlana’s second video was titled: “The cat has three tails.”

“Something abnormal – or radiation?”

In it Svetlana tries to get the cat closer to her and into her window, but she has no luck.

Commentators on both videos question whether this three-tailed cat is everything that it’s cracked up to be, but she insists: “He has really got three tails.”

Svetlana claims she spotted the cat at her home in the town of Akhtubinsk in southern Russia.
