Street Cats Being Poisoned In One Canadian City!

CANADA – A small cat rescue group which is located in Chatham is investigating after finding a number of felines who appear to have been poisoned.

Big Fix Grassroots Cat Rescue officials are now saying they’ve found five dead street cats in the Edgar St. area, with all of them foaming at the mouth.

“Foaming at the mouth is a pretty good indicator it’s poisoned,” states Founder Kate Staley.

Big Fix feeds, spays and also neuters street cats who have been previously abandoned by their owners. While for the most part, the cats are harmless, Staley says this hasn’t stopped residents from getting annoyed.

“The big complaints that we get is ‘they’re walking through my yard,’” states Staley. “That’s the God’s honest truth.”

Staley went on to explain that they’ve contacted the OSPCA, who told them they can’t do anything unless a suspect has been found.

The group is having an autopsy performed on just one of the cats, that they found on Friday. That one recently had kittens, and the rescue group is now concerned that the little ones may be dead as well.

Their investigation is ongoing.
