The RSPCA Offers Everyone’s Dream Job – Cat Cuddler!

Do you love to cuddle with your cats all day long as much as we do? Isn’t that your dream job? Although it sounds too good to be true, cuddling with cats (and rabbits!) is exactly the job RSPCA Manchester currently offers.

After taking in dozens of kittens and nearly 50 rabbits in just two weeks, the charity organization is currently looking for volunteers who will show the animals some love. Susie Hughes, RSPCA Manchester’s branch manager, says that they are desperate for help. They’re currently looking for cat socializer roles. The ideal candidate would also need to help with cleaning, but we don’t think it should be problem.

There are a total of six roles currently open:

  • Cat socializer
  • Volunteer cat care assistant
  • Volunteer rabbit socializer
  • Volunteer weekend reception staff
  • Volunteer cat cuddlers
  • Volunteer cat and dog home visitors

If you believe you have what it takes to apply, email the RSPCA in Salford. Who knows, you may even get your dream job.