These Photos Show The Dark Side Of Cats!

Everyone knows how mischievous cats can be – after all, it’s in their evil nature! Cats are there to wreak havoc in your life without a sorry. If you think about getting a cat, you should first say goodbye to your ordinary life and favorite items, because you can be sure they’ll destroy it all. However, it’s not all that bad – when cats love, they love for real.

Here are 10 hilarious photos which show the destructive, but fun nature of cats:

1. Ha! Caught Her In The Act!

2. Life Of A Tree

3. Are You Missing Underwear?

4. Lost About 40 Minutes Of Work Just Now. PSA: If You Have A Cat, Don’t Buy A Computer Case With An Upward-Facing Power Button

5. You Home Earlier Today Hooman

6. “I’ll Do It. I Swear To God, I’ll Do It.”

7. Of All Places

8. Made A Pie Crust. Turned Around To Get Filling. Turned Back Around And This Is What I Found

9. Good Thinking

10. Wife Drives To Grandma’s House. Amount Of Fucks Given By Our New Rescue Cat: Zero