Reddit user Old_Donkey_Teeth was riding her bike to work one day when she saw what she thought was a dead kitten laying on the side of the road, so she took a look.
The tiny kitten was completely covered in fly eggs. She was also very cold.
The woman assumed at first that the kitten was dead until the wee one managed to take a breath!
And so, the Reddit user immediately took the sickly kitten to the vet.
It was simply a miracle that she was alive, considering she was only about one-third of the normal weight, was covered with maggots and flies, and also had intestinal worms.
Little by little over time, she began to heal.
Her rescuer named the wee one, Trinket.
The road to completely wellness was not without bumps and setbacks.
It was later determined Trinket had some brain damage, which was actually causing seizures.
Luckily, with more time, love and tenderness - she overcame them, and continued to grow and heal into a healthy kitty!