Cat Shot And Leg Amputated!

The RSPCA is currently investigating after a much loved pet cat was shot near Lewes and had to have a leg amputated.

Gizmo returned to her home on Shortgate Lane, Laughton, at approximately 10pm on Sunday (August 7th), dragging her leg and with a bleeding wound.

Gizmo’s owner, whose name is Sarah Bourne, took her straight to the vet where further examination showed that her leg was shattered due to injuries caused by a pellet gun.

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She stated: “I heard a kerfuffle at the cat flap. I thought at first she’d caught a bird or something, but when I went to look I found she’d dragged herself back from the woods behind the house.

“Initially I presumed she’d been hit by a car. Her leg was flapping around and she wouldn’t let me touch it, as obviously it was causing her absolute agony.”

Inspection by vets showed Gizmo had suffered a nasty fracture and Sarah had to make the difficult decision to allow them to amputate her pet’s front left leg.

“My neighbor said he heard shots when he was out in his garden, but that it isn’t necessarily unusual.

“I’ve made up some flyers and will be putting them up around the village in the hope that somebody comes forward with some information,” she added.

Investigating RSPCA inspector Tony Woodley stated: “Cats can roam for a mile or more and this was quite a rural location. However, Gizmo is a black and white domestic cat, so it isn’t plausible that someone could have mistaken her for a fox or even a rabbit.

“It makes me so angry to think that someone would deliberately target a much loved pet like this, but it does appear to be the case here.

“If anyone saw anything which could help me track down who is responsible for shooting Gizmo then I urge them to contact me via the RSPCA’s inspectorate appeals telephone number by calling 0300 123 8018.

“People should be reminded that causing unnecessary suffering is a criminal offence under the Animal Welfare Act which does carry a potential custodial sentence and fine of up to $30,000.”
