Tiny Kitten With Missing a Paw Waited 3 Days Without Food Or Water

SOUTH AFRICA – On October 24th of last year, some workers at the African Maritime Services at the Waterfront Harbour in Cape Town, South Africa, were quite surprised to hear strange noises coming from one of their wooden reels. These reels are hollow on the inside and are made to store long, steel cables.

They believed the noise was a bird in distress, however, when they looked inside the reel, they discovered three tiny kittens with their eyes still closed. Two of them had unfortunately already perished, but one little black kitten was still fighting for his life.

Billy, as he was then named, was making a racket – he definitely wanted to be heard. He had am extremely injured paw, which would require immediate medical attention, and he was too young to be without his mother.

He had survived for at least three days without any food or water, as the staff had moved the reel the Friday before, and no one at all was working over the weekend before the heard the noise.

They immediately took Billy over to The Kitten Cottage, which is located in Cape Town, where the medical team determined that they would have to amputate his paw, as it was too damaged. However, the wee one had already shown so much will to live, that this operation would only be another small obstacle in his journey.

Paulette from the Kitten Cottage fostered Billy and made absolutely sure his post-operation medication and treatment were taken care of. Kind donations also greatly helped with the medical bills and the fur ball started to show signs of getting stronger.

After three days of taking antibiotics, Billy’s eyes cleared up and he started adapting to life with three paws.

Billy has been adopted since then and is happily living with three paws as if he were no different than any other cat.

This adorable kitten is a true inspiration to us all with his zest for life, his positivity, and his will to endure.

If you are interested in making a donation to The Kitten Cottage to help them save more cats who are found injured and alone, click here.

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