Two Tiny Kittens Tortured by Thugs and Left to Die in a Wet Cardboard Box, then and now …

ENGLAND - Be sure to scroll down to the end of the article to see the heart-tugging video of brothers Skywalker and Luke

When Brothers Luke and Skywalker were found they were hungry, scared and covered in fleas in a wet cardboard box. They were suffering from bleeding sores and broken bones.

Little Skywalker had a broken back, while someone evil had sliced off Luke’s tail and the bottom of his feet - leaving him without any toes or pads.

The two kittens were handed to staff at the Celia Hammond Animal Trust clinic, who named them after their favorite Star Wars character, because no matter what the Star Wars hero never gave up.

The Staff found that Skywalker was barely able to walk, and X rays revealed he had suffered a spinal injury.

And they discovered Luke’s toes on his back feet and the end of his tail had been severed off, and he had lost the pads on both back feet, along with his toes.

Despite the pain the kittens were in, they immediately purred and wanted affection from their rescuers..

The clinic, in Canning Town, east London, has launched an appeal to help the pair get back on their feet, after they were rescued from Victoria Park in east London.

So far, thousands of pounds have been donated towards the physiotherapy and also the surgery to help them walk again.

Celia Hammond, who founded the trust, said: “They have already suffered so much in their short lives but, you only have to look at their little faces, watch their happiness when they play and hear them purr when cuddled to know they deserve this chance.


“They were in such a terrible state, we were not quite sure which way it was going to go.”

“It was very upsetting, I just don’t know how that could have happened.”

“They have been in intensive care, but they are recovering.”

“They had to have their wounds dressed, there were little bones poking through.”

“It is still going to take a couple of months yet.”

“We have to stop them hopping about, but they are doing well.”

“They are very loving. I cannot imagine why someone would do that to them.”


“The cardboard box was soaking, so they must have been there several hours or more.”

Ms Hammond said she was taken aback by the generosity of people - having raised more than £4,500 so far for their treatment since they were brought into the centre last month.

The former supermodel said: “It is fantastic. They have to have surgery two or three times a week, so it has cost a lot of money.”

“I would like to think somebody would take them to a vet.”

“But no matter what you do to them, they bounce back and purr and want to play.”

“They are really amazing.?


“The treatment and rehabilitation of these boys will be costly for the trust in terms of money, time and intensive care and we would appreciate help with the cost of surgery and care for these beautiful brothers on their long road to recovery.”

The Met Police are aware of the incident and there is an investigation in progress.

Westley Pearson, director of claims at Animal Friends, a pet insurance company, stated: “Unfortunately this type of story is not uncommon and seems to be on the rise.

“Thankfully fantastic animal charities like the Celia Hammond Animal Trust, who we recently donated £10,000 to, will support these kittens and hopefully find them loving homes in the future.”

Luke and Skywalker from ArCreation on Vimeo.