Waffle the House Cat Protects Colorado Home from Wild Visitor!

When Waffle noticed a bobcat outside his humans’ home in Telluride, the orange and white Colorado house cat didn’t back down.

Waffle looks a fairly large cat and he didn’t seem afraid at all to take on the much larger bobcat.

“If it wasn’t for the dam (sic) glass I’d shred you for looking at me that way!” Erik Fallenius noted on YouTube.

Waffle, who was safely inside the house the whole time, hisses and claws at the curious bobcat on the porch.

When the bobcat moves over to an alternate window for another peek inside, Waffle follows right along and makes sure the bobcat doesn’t try to get in on that side, either.

The bobcat then goes back to glass door by the porch, but Waffle is – right on his tail.

Waffle certainly deserves to be made an honorary guard dog! And certainly, deserves a few extra treats!

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