Woman Says Rescue Cat Nobody Else Wanted Saved Her Life!

SCOTLAND – Cats may have nine lives but one owner has told how her marvelous kitty has given up one of them – to save hers.

Kirsty Oliphant had almost completely given up on life and was so depressed she attempted suicide. After being treated at a psychiatric hospital, she later decided to try and find a focus to life and get a four-legged friend.

Within just mere days of adopting tortoiseshell cat Peggy, now aged 18, from a local cat rescue center she found herself with “a purpose”.

Months of cuddles and companionship from her loving veteran kitty cat paid off and now the 23-year-old has started “to live again”.Kirsty, who is of Dundee, explained: “As soon as I met her, she jumped on my lap and I knew she had chosen me. Immediately we had a bond and that has just become stronger and stronger.


“She brought humor, fun and comfort into my life overnight. My life changed very quickly after Peggy came home with me.

“The despair lifted and having her by my side gave me a new sense of purpose and responsibility.”

“As soon as I met her, she jumped on top of my lap and I knew she had chosen me. Immediately we had a bond and that has just become stronger and stronger”, says Kirsty.

“Peggy is special, because she is her. She’s just amazing. Everything about her is amazing. I truly believe she is one of a kind.”


After suffering for years of mental health issues, Kirsty explained how having Peggy has transformed her life.

She stated: “I had depression and I am in recovery now and I believe this is down to Peggy. I did not have the motivation to go out or even get out of bed.

“Before Peggy, I was in and out of hospital with mental health issues. It was a draining and difficult life.

“Having Peggy gives me a focus on a day-to-day basis. Peggy is a fantastic companion. When I come home she’s always giving cuddles, she’s just great.”

Such is the quick progress of her recovery, Kirsty has now started a course to study mental health nursing at Abertay University.

She went on to add: “Before Peggy, I was in and out of hospital. Yet since she arrived I’ve not been back to hospital once. My life really has turned around.”

While Kirsty credits Peggy entirely with turning her life around, the veteran cat owes her second chance in life to her owner.

Having been handed in to Cats Protection and also suffering from FIV, the cat equivalent of HIV, she struggled greatly to find a new home before teaming up with Kirsty.

But now she has officially been awarded for her loving ways, scooping the Special Recognition award at the Cats Protection National Cat Awards.


Kirsty, who attended the award ceremony at London’s Savoy, went on to say: “I thought my life was over but, thanks to Peggy, it is just beginning.

“I always knew how special Peggy is but this award means the world to me.

“I’m so delighted other people have recognized what she means.” Cats Protection’s award organizer Kate Bunting stated:

“Peggy and Kirsty’s relationship is truly heart-warming and they have both given each other a second chance in life.”

Photo credits: Ron Cathro
