She Had Less than 10% Chance to Survive. This Orphan Kitten Surprises Everyone!


They said that she only had 5-10% chance of survival, but this brave wee one with bent front legs surprised everyone with her inspiring, fighting spirit.

We are talking about none other than Lilo the miracle cat!

In September, a litter of 5 kittens came to Tenth Life after being abandoned by their feral mama cat. They were born with front legs that were formed improperly. Though extremely young, Lilo has permanently bent front legs, this fur baby doesn’t act like she’s any different from any other kitten.

Little did the rescue group know that the kittens’ lives were challenged by panleukopenia, also known as feline distemper with a survival rate of only 5-10% for kittens under two months of age. Four of the kittens did not survive but Lilo wasn’t willing to go down without a struggle.

Miraculously, Lilo was one of the 5-10% who pulled through!

“(At the ER) she had a very high fever for 24 hours that they fought to get under control and luckily her system finally responded and joined the fight. Even when her foster mom was holding Lilo, waiting for the doctor, she purred heartily and rubbed her face all over in a display of affection,” Tenth Life told the great people at Love Meow.

“Her foster mom felt like that was her letting me know (as a representative of the whole litter) that they felt loved and really loved me back as their Mommy.’ Bobbi continues, ‘we had a pep talk that I needed her to hold down the fort and be okay.’ Luckily, Lilo fought and did just that!”

“As spunky and playful as she is, she’s still super cuddly and has purry trills that she makes when snuggled. She loves rubbing her nose against (and UP) her foster mom’s and lays her head on her shoulder with eyes closed when having her cheeks kissed, soaking it all in. She’s so little but sooo special!”

“Not only did this darling survive, she is now thriving in her foster home, and we couldn’t be happier. In fact, she has even mastered the stairs! Every day, we are grateful for this little lady’s strength, and we send her all the positive, healing energy we can.”

“Two weeks out of the ER and Lilo is doing wonderful. She has mastered climbing the stairs of our home, loves supervised playtime with the resident cats and is full of spunk while still loving to cuddle,” Bobbi who is Lilo’s foster mom, said.

Lilo has kicked feline distemper’s butt and she doesn’t let her bent legs stop her from enjoying and living her life. This miracle kitty loves life to the fullest!


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