We all have different opinions on people and animals, but we should agree on one thing – people who mistreat animals should be severely punished. Animal rescue can be a pretty stressful job – just imagine seeing a cat or dog which has been abused and is nearly alive just because some idiot doesn’t have a soul. Luckily, there are many strong men and women who can help these animals and give them the love they deserve. Today we’re going to talk about a recent cat rescue which had a happy ending.
Justin the cat was rescued from a fire with more than just superficial injuries, but she has grown up into a beautiful cat!

This kitten was sadly the only survivor of the litter. She’s fully grown now and living a great life thanks to the rescuers.

This cat was electrocuted, but now lives a happy life. We can all agree that she’s pretty cute as well.

Mister Biscuit entered a car’s engine one winter in order to warm up and was nearly burned whole, but thanks to rescuers, he’s now fully recovered.

This baby was found abandoned in a gutter and close to dying, but thanks to his rescuer, he’s not got another shot at life.

This tiny kitten was left to die outside in a box, but take a look at how gorgeous she’s become.

Rescuers saved this kitty from certain death, and he’s all grown up and handsome now.

This abused cat is living a great life with her new humans, and she’s certainly grateful for it.

Spyder was found stuck in a drain pipe with no one to help, and he’s now enjoying his new home.

Take a look at this beauty – it only needed some love after everything she suffered.

This baby was malnourished and close to dying, but a rescuer took it home and it looks so cute now.

This kitty was completely transformed after only one week at the rescue center!

Baby Oliver was abused from a young age, but he’s got all the love in the world now.

All this tiny cat needed was a bit of love.

What do you think ?