3 Florida Sanitation Workers Are Being Hailed as the “Sexiest dudes EVER!” Here’s why …

Sanitation workers who are based in Florida are being celebrated, as they should be, for rescuing a total of four kittens they found trapped inside a tied plastic bag while processing garbage.


The workers, who are employed by Florida’s Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority discovered the four 4- to 5-week-old furballs just last week, according to WPTV.

Justin Bartlett Animal Rescue accepted the kittens.


All four of the kittens were starving and suffering from parasites.

It’s clear that they were taken away from their birth mom much too early, a rescue center employee told The Huffington Post this past Sunday.

Fortunately, all of the kittens are expected to make a full recovery from this horrible ordeal and should be available for adoption within a month or so.

These four lucky wee ones went from trash to treasure and because of that, they’ve been named after gemstones. The three male kittens have been named Garnet, Jet and Topaz.

The female kitten has been named Ruby.

All of these adorable and fitting names were suggested by a Facebook user.

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This past Friday, the rescue group shared some photos of the kittens on its social media page.

One of those photos features the three rescuers cradling the kittens in their hands while wearing their designated work duds.

The three of them are being hailed as heroes in the photo’s comment section.

One social media user dubbed them the “Sexiest dudes EVER!”

We here at The Best Cat Page couldn’t agree more, and we are all men here!




