6 Items in Your Home Which Will Literally and Quickly - Kill Your Cat

Many of us own a beloved pet and when they are not feeling well, it can be extremely distressing for both the pet and the owner. But what can be even worse, is when the sickness could have easily been prevented.

There are many things around your own house which can be a normal household item for us, but that are extremely poisonous to our pets.

This article focuses on toxic stuff for cats; but there are also many common things that can be poisonous for dogs. The following can be a guide for common problems items for cats.


Although they are a beautiful flower, lilies can be deadly to cats. All it takes is for a small amount to be ingested, and there is an instant risk of kidney damage. If a cat has been in contact with some lilies, you may spot the dust on their fur and the animal will probably be vomiting, depressed, not wanting to eat, disorientated or may be acting strangely. The kidney damage can be fatal, but can also be treatable with quick vet care.

Dog Flea Treatment

This often contains a substance called “permethrin”, which is highly poisonous for cats, attacking the nervous system and eventually leading to a slow, painful death. This can happen if a dog treatment is put on a cat accidentally; or if a cat somehow comes into close contact with a dog that has recently received the treatment. The cat will likely be very acting edgy, hypersensitive to noise and may start fitting.


A common substance which can be found in many households/garages. This has a very sweet taste which makes it very appealing to cats. Little do they know, this substance will cause severe kidney damage and will do so very quickly. The death from anti-freeze is quick and you probably won’t even have enough time to get your kitty to a vet before it dies.

Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

These painkillers may be prescribed to your pet by your vet for many reasons such as a arthritis or a cut pad. When used at the correct dosage, these drugs can help our pets feel much better. However if accidentally or purposefully over-dosed, your cat can get long lasting damage and even die. Remember to always keep to the dose that your vet has prescribed.


If you suspect your cat is in some kind of pain, don’t go reaching for the paracetamol. Cats do not have the ability to break down the paracetamol. Even a small amount can be fatal – it causes irreversible damage to the liver and the blood vessels. The gums will turn a characteristic chocolate brown or blue color, the paws can swell and he/she will be very unwell and may die, even with the best veterinary care.

Onions and Garlic

These are highly toxic to cats, causing severe damage to the red blood cells which are needed to carry oxygen around the body. Cats may become weak, pale and the toxin may even cause death.

Although the above may seem scary, it is of utmost importance to be aware of all of these toxins and the signs you may see, to give your pet the best chance of survival.
