A Cat Nicknamed ‘Big Sexy’ Is Finally Home After Vanishing During Photo Shoot

Big Sexy, AKA Buddy (or the other way around), is a good-looking cat that vanished during a photo shoot not long ago. Buddy was part of the FDNY Calendar of Heroes photoshoot in New York. Yes, that’s the calendar with chiseled calendars thousands of women are waiting for every year (look away now, girls!).

The cat vanished during the fundraising photoshoot on January 20. He finished the first session, but jumped out of his owner’s hands during the second, bolting in unknown direction. Buddy’s owner Leslie Silbert was worried she would never find her beloved pet. She searched for him for weeks and posted pictures of the sexy cat, but he was nowhere to be found. Disappointed, Silbert even employed the services of a pet-sniffing dog, but to no avail.

Along the way, strangers sent her pics of cats who looked like Buddy, but they all turned out false alarms. One day, however, a stranger called her from Staten Island, describing Buddy in detail. The cat apparently visited the women’s yard every day and she saw a poster for Big Sexy, so she gave the number a call.

Excited, Leslie went to Staten Island, and to her surprise, she found her pet. Buddy was noticeable skinnier so she was skeptic at first, but his microchip told the truth. Leslie says that she doesn’t know how the cat got to Staten Island across the bay, but she’s lucky the woman called her. In the end, she thanked everyone who called her about the cat and was surprised at how nice people were.