A Siberian Lady Builds A Self-Proclaimed Catland!

If you think you’ve seen your fair share of crazy cat ladies, wait until you’ve seen Alla Lebedeva. The Russian farmer has turned her land into “Catland”, and the photographs and videos she posts of her Siberian cats online have gone viral.

Lebedeva lives in Prigorodny in Siberia, and has been raising cats for more than a decade together with her husband Sergey. “We have more than a million cats,” Lebedeva says jokingly. “They usually sleep in the henhouse, on tiny bedrooms. They keep the hens safe from harm,” she continues.

Alla Lebedeva’s YouTube profile already has over 2000 followers. Her cat videos are highly popular, although they circulate without permission and labelled as Norwegian cats. Lebedeva says that although similar, the Siberian and Norwegian Forest Cat have their own differences.

Take a look at the pictures from Koshlandia below:















