Amazing And Adorable Pictures Of A Husky Who Identified As A Cat!

Redditor Dong_of_justice garnered thousands of upvotes after sharing pictures of his Husky, Tally. Of course, it would not be trending so much if Tally was just a regular Husky. What special about her is the fact that she was raised with cats, and now she “thought she was… cat herself.”

Many users went on to describe the similarities between Tally and her fella cats: “She’d piss on our floors if we ever did something wrong as well. She also had a knack for finding the best worst places to do it (i. e. carpets, rugs, etc.). She also sat like a cat, with her arms and legs tucked under herself.”

Also, according to her loving owner, Tally is not a pure husky, she is: “husky/malamute/little bit of something else. She actually looks and behaves more like a malamute (which are also a bit cat-like), but most people don’t know what they are so I go with ‘husky’”.

Although the owner did not provide any picture of the cats as proof, it seems he actually didn’t need any.

Be sure to scroll down for catty pictures of Tally aka Tao Tao (Chinese: mischievous).

“I had a husky who was raised with cats, and thought she was… cat herself.”

She also likes to sit like a cat…

Talk about a love for cardboard!

“She ended up staying in there for awhile.”

Tally was adopted back when she was just 2 years old.

And she was raised with cats by her previous humans!

She has the cat’s silent nature and enjoys just lying around observing stuffs.

“Sunbathing like a cat.”

She causes troubles daily like a cat.

“Getting into trouble… again.”

Belly exposed. But don’t expect to rub it in peace.

“I would get stopped a lot on the streets just to be told how beautiful she was. Usually wouldn’t be able to hear it all before she’d drag me away.”

“Lazy but flexible, so she’ll twist her head round to check what’s going on.”

We hope you enjoyed the life of Tally the cat-like Husky.