Blind Kitten Saved by A Man Who Refused to Give Up on Her, Then and Now!

A wee one of a blind kitten was saved by a kind-hearted man who refused to give up in spite of the fact no one except him expected her to survive.

Years ago w,hen Mantees was on a vacation in the South of Italy, he spotted a tiny kitten meowing frantically for help. Looking closer, he realized that the kitten’s eyes were completely shut and that she was blind.

“I decided to take care of her during my holiday, so that she would be stronger and more capable to survive when I would leave back home,” he said.

The tiny kitten had quite a bit of trouble walking and couldn’t close her like most cats. She lost her eyes to an infection and the vet said that the kitten was possibly too weak to even survive.

However, Mantees was determined to save the kitten against all odds. He and his brother started treating the eye infection, an infection which she had in both ears, worms and a fever, all while keeping her warm and fed every 4 hours.

They even began to teach her how to navigate around the house by following the noise of their steps and the clapping of their hands.

After 15 sleepless nights for everyone involved, the kitten got much better but it was also time for Mantees to leave.

“So I changed my plane reservation to include a pet, and long story short, she is now sleeping in my bed, with the body under my covers and her head on my pillow,” he said (reddit)

She was named Skunky and what a little fighter she is!found her and how she looks today!

See the photos of both how she looked when Mantees.

Source: │Photo credits: reddit@Mantees

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