The Intrepid Camping, Hiking and Kayaking Cats of Instagram

While many may just presume that cats love being curled up at home more than anything else – there are some adventurous felines that spend most of their time exploring mountains with their owners.

A new Instagram showcases the most intrepid kitties walking on the planet, who can be found sleeping in tents and roaming the great outdoors.

Camping with Cats, which was created by the developers of the dog version after it got hundreds of thousands of followers, shows the undomesticated fur balls sitting by the Grand Canyon, in hammocks and even kayaking.








Creator Ryan Carter who hails from Nashville told MailOnline Travel: ‘What we didn’t realise was that people actually do go camping and hiking with their cat.

‘And it’s not just a small group of people. There’s a ton of people who love enjoying the outdoors with their cat just like dog owners do.’

The original idea was born back in October 2015 by an employee of Camping With Dogs. She was so inspired by the account that she actually adopted a cat just to take hiking and camping.

Carter said: ‘After watching hours of viral cat videos, we determined that cats are angsty creatures, longing ever to breach the confines of their home and go explore like the wild cats of the world.’

And so the account was created and it really took off, with all the posts including the ‪#‎campingwithcats‬ hashtag.

At the time it had only been used 37 times, but now that number is closer to 5,000.





Carter stated: ‘So many people comment about how they didn’t know camping with your cat was actually a thing, and that they want to start training their cat to use a harness and leash.

‘We had no idea from the start that we would be inspiring the cat-loving world to try something new! ”

The staff of Camping with Cats all say that it is in the felines’ nature to be adventurous and want to explore their surroundings.

They advise that if you’re going camping or even hiking, it’s very important that a cat has a well-fitted harness and a leash, just as dogs do. It’s wise, they also added, to keep them close when you’re in the great outdoors.

Currently the Instagram account has almost 50,000 followers.








